Astronomy Pics!
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Archive Astronomy pictures index (Just beginning astrography, but here are a few shots!)
1.Rough shot of Jovian system (Jupiter and a few moons) using a 6mm Orion Lens and Go Scope 19 Oct 2009 Cannon 10MP Cam
2. Rough shot of Jovian system (Jupiter and a few moons) using a 6mm Orion Lens and Go Scope 19 Oct 2009 Cannon 10MP Cam
Rough shot of Venus using a 20x zoom 10MP Olympus camera (no telescope) 02 Sep 2009
1. Rough shot of Jupiter using a 6mm Orion Lens and Go Scope 17 Sep 2009 Cannon 10MP Cam
2. Rough shot of Jupiter using a 6mm Orion Lens and Go Scope 17 Sep 2009 Cannon 10MP Cam
3. Better shot of Jupiter using a 6mm Orion Lens and polarizer and Orion XT10 Dobson using Cannon 10MP Cam 04 Sep 2010
4. Another shot of Jupiter using a 6mm Orion Lens and polarizer and Orion XT10 Dobson using Cannon 10MP Cam 04 Sep 2010 (summer haze is a bummer to be sure)
5. Free-hand (no mount, just held the camera near the eyepiece) shot of Jupiter and moons using a 25mm Orion Sirius Pelosi Lens (no polarizer) and Orion XT10 Dobson Cannon 10MP Cam
Lunar Pictures:
Moon using a 20mm Orion Lens and polarizer and Go Scope 02 Sep 2009 Cannon 10MP Cam
Moon quadrant and craters using a 6mm Orion Lens and polarizer and Go Scope 29 Sep 2009 Cannon 10MP Cam
Moon middle quadrant and craters using a 6mm Orion Lens and polarizer and Go Scope 29 Sep 2009 Cannon 10MP Cam
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