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Tactics for the Small Pond

(It's all timing for the little water!)
 (RED FISH POSITIONS)  Look in shallow water around the shore side edges of weedbeds, corners near rocks or rock dams,near cattails or sawgrass, and near drainage pipes in the morning for prime fishing from one hour before sunrise to one hour after sunrise and from one hour before sunset to one hour after sun set for sight feeding fish (bass,  pike, trout, sunfishes).  For night feeders (catfish, walleye, crappie) look in the red zones from sunset to  sunrise.  Spawning fish will also hold here (spring/fall)
(Yellow fish positions) During times other than above, look in deeper water around submerged trees, deep edges of rocks adn drop offs, and the deepside of weed beds. (daytime haunts of all the above).
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