I have since seen manatees in many other locales as well, including Haulover Canal on Merritt Island near Titusville, the Veterans Pier in Titusville, Fort Desoto Park near Tampa, Islamorada and Big Pine Key, Homosassa, and other spots listed here.
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(The manatee festival is in late February)
How to:
While manatees
are present through out the summer, spring, and fall months through out southern
Florida (Daytona and south on the Atlantic side,Crystal River and
south on the Gulf side) in many intercoastal waterways and shallow inland
bays and estuaries (The Banana River in Titusville and at Haulover Canal are a very good examples)
they are scattered and sometimes very hard to find. In the winter they are
far more concentrated around power plants and springs (such as the Three
Sisters at Crystal River) and are easily located, as they seek out the
warmer water.In the winter
it is simply a matter of traveling to a place like CrystalRiver (which
hosts one of the largest concentrations in the world in thewinter manatees
almost always return to the same wintering spot every yearof their long
lives), dropping by any of the dive shops there and
signing up for a morning trip. They leave at 7:00AM and will
show you exactly
what to do and how to dress. For someone who has never
snorkeled before,
this simply means renting and putting on a full body
wet suit (very
easy) and renting a mask, snorkel, and fins. GO to the Rest Room BEFORE SUITING UP!!! The guides will
gladly show someone how to use the mask and fins. The boat will take the
dressed out client up the river (a 15 minute ride) in a pontoon boat, and
then park the boat and give any lessons required. The only trick is
learning to breathe out of the snorkel and sitting still long enough not to
scare the manatees.(Note it is illegal to chase, feed, or harass manatees.)
River, Florida (The
town and the river)-approximately 100 miles north of Tampa along Florida's
Gulf coast. The springs and the town are 10 miles up river from the
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